Portuguese Organ Music from 1540–1834
Expected to ship in about a week.
- Editors: Gerhard Doderer, Miguel Bernal Ripoll
- Instrumentation: Organ
- Size: 12.0 x 9.4 inches
- Pages: 120
This edition, edited by Gerhard Doderer (Lisbon) and Miguel Bernal Ripoll (Madrid), offers a representative overview of the cosmos of Portuguese organ compositions spanning three hundred years. The printed collection of Gonçalo de Baena (Lisbon 1540) and the Portuguese secularisation of 1834 were chosen as the parameters within which pieces were selected. This stimulating and inspiring album of works by Portuguese organists or organists working in Portugal such as António de Carreira, Manuel Rodrigues Coelho, Pedro de Araújo and Carlos Seixas, dispenses with the adoption of historical notation and makes this music directly accessible to today's organists by orientating itself to the current practise.
In addition to 27 organ compositions of various genres such as Verso, Tento, Batalha or Sonata, the volume contains detailed explanations of the compositions, their liturgical function and organ building. This gives an impression of the diverse, geographically very different and, over the centuries, highly diversified Portuguese organ landscape.
- Vorwort
- Kompositionen
- Liturgische Funktion
- Orgelbau
- Preface
- Compositions
- Liturgical functions
- Organ building
- Faksimiles / Facsimiles
- I. Sanctus, sanctus Dominus Deus
- II. Benedictus qui venit
- III. Tento do Terceiro Tom
- IV. Tento do Primeiro Tom
- V. Tento do Sexto Tom
- VI. Tento Con qué la lavaré la flor de la mi cara
- VII. Versos de Magnificat do Primeiro Tom
- VIII. Versos de Kyrie do Primeiro Tom por C sol fa ut
- IX. Tento do Oitavo Tom
- X. Susana glosada
- XI. Tento sobre Pange Lingua
- XII. Tento de meio registo alto de Segundo Tom
- XIII. Batalha de Sexto Tom
- XIV. Concertado sobre Ave Maris Stella
- XV. Tenção sobre o Kyrie da Missa de Santa Maria
- XVI. Obra de Primeiro Tom
- XVII. Obra de Sexto Tom
- XVIII. Batalha de Sexto Tom
- XIX. Phantasia de Quarto Tom
- XX. Obra de meio registo da mão esquerda de Primeiro Tom
- XXI. Tocata.
- XXII. Fuga
- XXIII. Fuga
- XXIV. Fuga
- XXV. Sonata
- XXVI. Sonata
- XXVII. Prelúdio
- Bibliographie / Bibliography